Why Airchat might not work
I really liked the concept. It has best of both worlds. Easiest way to create content is audio, and consume is text.
However, I think it will suffer because it might not promote controversial stuff or negative comments.
Humans have a negativity bias. Name-calling, insults or blind hate, are things that no one likes - but also things that no one can look away from. And those engaged in it can't easily pull away.
One of the reasons why Grapevine is so good because in an anonymous forum, people might be less likely to step in and stop negative behavior. People either promote propaganda of one company or to spread shit about other companies.
Even X is infamous for rewarding conflict. Most negative comments come from anon folks. elafda get the best engagement.
The audio first social media app Airchat has a second order effect that people can write way more mean shit than say it aloud. Plus it's not natively anon.
I really wish it does work, in a world where there's so much negativity, we need airchat to thrive.