I'm Viram Shah, Co-Founder & CEO at Vested Finance. Ask me anything!
Hi Grapevine,
I'm Viram, currently building Vested Finance. I founded Vested in 2019 during my MBA at Haas, wanting to make global investing as easy and acces...

What are the reasons that people are still now trading or investing in stock market directly
I honestly don't know where to start and how much personal time investment it will take to see sizable gains. Not to mention all the min max stuff for gains and taxation/ current company compliance on investments etc. And all the finfluencers seem scammy as f to me.
If u want to learn i am ready to teach u
Thanks man. How should we connect?
Hi Grapevine,
I'm Viram, currently building Vested Finance. I founded Vested in 2019 during my MBA at Haas, wanting to make global investing as easy and acces...
I have been investing in stocks as a side gig (since undergrad) and now full time trader for about 5 years Not RJ /WB returns but decent to enjoy non corporate life (I also have rental income to sustain). More and more people I speak to,...
Recently can see many ppl discussing about trading in stocks than investment.
Also I do feel that the likely hood of Zerodha and other platforms to grow with the number of demat accounts being opened is increasing every year.
So will ...
I am good with equity investing would like learn trading.
There are a lot of resources and scam shops to teach.
I don't want to fall for any con so asking you expert to share their firsthand experience.
Thanks in advance.