Women of GV, what are the sexist rituals in your wedding that you don't want to do / didn't do?
8mo ago
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My female friend got married to tree first as guy was maanglik😂
Rituals are fine - people overhyped them too much. Its more about the other aspects of marriage that are problematic-
- assumption to give up job and change cities to where the guy lives without any discussion
- not being allowed to wear certain clothes and colours as decided by in laws
- “gifts” of course- cause you are getting married and not gonna arrive in this house empty handed - “jewellery and car all parents give to girls”
Mind you these are all points that have been discussed by boys/their families who are from Tier 1 colleges, working in FAANG/big 3/big 4.
Do not ever confuse education with degrees and family values!!
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