1. Install 2. Doomscroll reels and gc 3. Watch clock 4. Uninstall 5. Repeat
Wouldn't it be nice if real life were like an Instagram profile?
I'm amazed at the ease with which women straight up remove photos of their exes from their profiles right after a breakup.
No consideration for memories or feelings. Clean slate, next bakra please.
It's not like people who know her personally don't know he didn't exist. It's just better optics for their profile so that newcomers don't look into their exes and "past mistakes".
Out of sight, out of mind, literally.
It's weird how teeny tiny apps have deeply changed and created said and unsaid rules in online and offline societies.
The best part? They're free to use and dispose of, much like humans and relationships these days.
I was a self professed tech loving nerd who is increasingly becoming luddite and tech hating. So many beliefs being questioned everyday. Just trying to detach myself from what I can now.
What do you think about Instagram and how it affects behaviours? Any particularly good or bad ones you'd like to share?
It's not just women who do this. Men remove photos too.
I love what you've written though. Relationships have been containerized, each container can be removed. Don't lose the self professed tech loving nerd in you. I feel I went through a similar trajectory. Doing away with my dependence on social media (and other things that cloud my judgement), helped a lot. Same for Reddit.
Let's all do better together. I am confident those who refuse to be lead astray, will make the future. I am bullish on this theory.
@AlphaGrindset I second that..
Yes, men do it too. But it's much more prevalent in women. Men usually don't even upload that many photos or even very often.
Women also spend slightly more time on social media on average.
A regular woman's experience of dating apps and Instagram is very different from a regular man.
I have a very cute theory.
Everytime you "love" someone else, you surrender a part of your soul to them. Whatever it is, you surrender a part of your life, time, body, memory or soul to them. Everytime it fails, you lose it permanently into the Empyrean.
The way people "love" these days, they are soulless husks by the time they reach 25, and no amount of money, marriage, family, friends, children or spiritual remedy would restore that part that is lost.
It is a centrifugation of change in which such soulless chaff shall be cut and separated from the true grain of people who realise importance of their soul and who they make a connection with.
Always remember, the Ghouls of Preta Loka continue to consume everything in sight and yet remain empty. They have an excess of appetite but yet are unable to satiate their hunger. Why worry about the realm you do not belong to?
TLDR: Instagram is a digital hell for chaff who shall lose themselves to the Algorithm of Zucc.
I used to agree, but the framing is different now.
You can't help but love the people in your life. There is no other way to live but to give all of yourself and your love to others. Even if it hurts.
The only way is through.
I wish we could just delete the memories from our head like removing exes photos on Instagram. But reality is always harsh. The more we try to forget those memories the harder it gets.
Exactly. It's like an ostrich putting their head in the sand. Living in denial.