Personal Finance Tracking
Is there any app whereI can track:
- Savings accounts money
- Stocks and Mutual Funds
- PF
- FD
A lot of my friends are young software developers fresh out of college and are earning great amount of money at MNCs and startups.
But they have no idea where to invest it. How to save taxes. How to invest in a way that minimises their taxes.
Also some people have specific family needs or financial goals they want to meet. Everyone have different risk appetites. There’s not a single app that lets you figure all this out.
There are financial advisors appointed by SEBI but they generally advise private sectors and not individuals.
So how about a personal finances app tailored for Indians?
How many Indians pay direct tax? How many such tax payers have a CA in their family that does their taxes? Competitor analysis? Of all these people, how many would want to pay for an app?.
To simply put it, your client base is very limited. App will fail.
If it would be only for people who actually pay taxes, it might have a small user base. But it will also tell all the basics of investment or at least could help you form an investment plan based on your financial needs.
On top of it I don’t think having small user base for an app is the end of the world. It isn’t certainly lucrative but still doesn’t directly means that the app will fail right
It sounds kinda nice.. how is it different from Zerodha's kite?
Is there any app whereI can track:
Preferably free. Drop in your suggestions!
If you cannot manage all 3 on a Google Spreadsheet, you're doing it wrong.
MyMoney. Simple UI with customisable categories. You can also export data
I use the notion finance manager template by Easlo.
hey! creating an app around financial advisory. if you are a sebi registered investment advisor, please message.
Hello friends,
Any recommendations on personal finance planners in India whom you have personally used and found to be good? I am in South India - if the advisor can engage online, that would be great.
I am NOT looking for investment a...