Akshat Srivastava Stock Market Course
Hi Guys, Did anyone buy Akshat Shrivastav's course? How is it ? Is it recommended for someone just starting with the stock market ?
Hi Guys, Did anyone buy Akshat Shrivastav's course? How is it ? Is it recommended for someone just starting with the stock market ?
have you gone thru zerodha’s varsity ? I doubt you need anything more than that to get started. And it’s completely free :)
This^ and just talk to experienced traders to know more
+1.. to start with basics, that's more than enough. Trading is like cycling, you got to pedal to learn, cant learn from classroom. The more hours you spend in front of screen, the more you learn.
if you've to just invest some money, and not totally into it so you can just go with buying some mutual funds with medium to high risk for good returns
For choosing Mfs you can watch many videos on yt it'll solve your prob
Pranjal kamra is also doing a great work in fintech so you can follow him too
Currently doing the same(investing in MFs) But wanted to build a good stocks portfolio going forward
Are you fully into finance ?
Don't fall for courses. I had read a comment on reddit that I still keep in my mind - there are people trying to game the market as their full-time jobs. You can't compete with their skills, compute, volume or insights by just doing some research after your normal 9-5. Best invest in mutual funds, and some in gold or gold bonds to diversify. I have been following this since 3 yrs
Makes Sense, But not looking to time the market or even game the market. Wanting to diversify my portfolio by investing in multiple types of asset classes. I want to understand enough to buy good stocks to make profits in medium to long term
Take a look at Aswath Damodaran's videos on Value investing on YouTube. He is a prof at NYU and is great at explaining the fundamentals of how to value a business
It seems that a lot of you are suggesting against it From the outside he seems to make decent videos on YT and even publicly shares his portfolio. Just wondering what is not working for him
All you need is r/indiainvestments
Don’t buy there lot presents in youtube
Hello @Dumbuldore ... I have taken the course back in 2020. The second batch he ran.
Personally, I found the course to be useful. Why?
Well, it gave me knowledge and understanding of basics and few intermediate concepts. But above all, it gave me a fundamental awareness and confidence to take my personal finance decisions on my own.
Looking back, it was 18K well spent. A fair price would be 14-15K in my opinion.
Hi Guys, Did anyone buy Akshat Shrivastav's course? How is it ? Is it recommended for someone just starting with the stock market ?
Hey everyone do you have any suggestions for someone who wants to invest his money in stocks. Any suggestions or course that you did?
As of now I'm following akshat shrivastav and labour law advisor. They look gd
Any course which helpe...
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