
All About Mainframes

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Distinction between CHAR and VARCHAR data types -

CHAR data type has a predetermined maximum length, while VARCHAR data type is a varying length character string.

So, it means, Char will always have the same length to store the text, but VARCHAR alters its length based on the length of the string which has to be stored, which helps in saving memory.

The CHAR data type in DB2 stores character data in a fixed-length field. It can store letters, numbers, and other characters which are supported.

However, VARCHAR data type is a varying-length character string that can contain letters, numbers, and special characters.

#mainframe #db2

1mo ago

Mainframes are powerful computers used in industries like banking. CHAR has a fixed length, while VARCHAR saves space by adjusting its length. Efficient storage is key in mainframes.

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HumbleTachometerSociété Générale1mo

All About Mainframes

Let's Mainframe! :)

VB (Variable Blocked) file:

There are two types of control information in a VB file-

  1. Block descriptor Word (BDW) and 2) Record descriptor Word (RDW) with the data in a VB file.

There might be several records in...

HumbleTachometerSociété Générale1mo

All About Mainframes

Let's mainframe!

What is DCLGEN in DB2?

DCLGEN (Declarations generator) are used in the COBOL-DB2 programs that we write. The program should declare the tables and views that it accesses. DCLGEN produces these DECLARE statements so tha...

HumbleTachometerSociété Générale2mo

All About mainframes

Lets' mainframe!

Do you know what DBRM is?

DBRM is Database Request Module and is a component inside DB2, it is created after the pre-compilation of COBOL-DB2 program. This is a module that consists of SQL source statements that get ex...

HumbleTachometerSociété Générale1mo

All About mainframes

Job Accounting information usually defines a person or department to whom processor time is billed for mainframe job execution.

This value varies from project to project and company to company. It totally depends on the guidelines set b...