Ankur warikoo : English version of Vivek Bindra?
Thanks to year end holidays, after reading recent news and wasting time on reels - I felt, Ankur warikoo is the English medium version of Vivek Bindra, reasoning here is -
- Same rags to riches story (overwhelming)
- Sudden rise with no backstory
- Course selling by dubious promises
- Immature, vulnerable target audience
- Over advertisements
Any other insights?

He is kinda Gary Vaynurchuk of India (without energy). Vivek Bindra is a scammer.

The way to visualise it is a spectrum.
Vivek Bindra Ankur Warikoo Maheshwari Divyakirti Sharan Sisinty ....

I think sisinity will wind up sooner, others might play a longer game.

All of them will wind up sooner than later. I'd say 5-8 years at best. The kind of messaging they do has its own half life.
The only lifelong sustainable messaging is spirituality / religion.

My argument is, if you're such a good trader/finance guy/guru of whatever it is that you promote, why the **** are you not known as the best, in some context? Like the best traders on the market don't want their identities to be public. They don't share their bloody strategies on the internet for validation. What makes you so special? All you do is take other people's work and repackage it into your words. Sure you're a good storyteller, but that's all you are. Again, that's how _ i_ feel.

Looks like I'm the only person who likes Warikoo. Somehow I always feel he is genuine and his courses are also decent and economically priced.

**Do You Also Find Ankur Warikoo Irritating?**
- His self-promoting videos
- His courses on seemingly every topic
- His videos on "mistakes of my 20s, 30s"
- His advice on buying vs. renting cars and homes
What do you think?

YouTube Premium growth driver

1 thing to run away from in your 20s, 30s, 40s... 1. Ankur Warikoo