Any review on Dezerv mutual fund PMS?
I’m planning to move my MF investment to Dezerv PMS. I’m planning to start with 50L(min req investment).
I’m planning to move my MF investment to Dezerv PMS. I’m planning to start with 50L(min req investment).
Any review for dezerve pms services? Portfolio performance vs fee charged. Any risk involved?
Similar question was asked sometime back on the platform. Here's the link to that:
I've been personally hearing really good things about them, so definitely exploring. Especially because of their fee structure, which essentially forces them to perform in order to make any kind of profit.
What is their pricing policy? Do they only charge if they beat the index?
Yes, they have a fee-only profit share model where they take a profit share. Right now their model is delivering a outpeformance of 4-6 percent over index. And they don't double charge, so essentially same profit is not taken a fees from twice, which means they will have to deliver returns every year to make money.
PMS is really over rated. Especially if you are looking for help with MF, then it’s not really worth it. Over 5-10 years, if you are regular about investments and stay for the long term, you will get good returns.
As in all things in investment, by the time you will know if something is working it might be 3-5 years and even then market conditions may prevent you from pinpointing if the out / under performance is because of the skill / incompetence of fund manager or if it’s just general market buoyancy / dumb luck.
My suggestion to really do a better job here-
Make regular investing a priority - SIPs by the 4th of month no matter what. Fix SIP amount as high as possible - whatever is left over is what you can spend.
Decide what risk return profile you are comfortable with. Small and mid cap - go with MFs, for large cap - index fund / ETFs are good. If you are young and are okay with an aggressive / high risk / high return portfolio, 50% small cap, 20% mid cap and 30% large cap could be one way to think about it.
Pick 2-3 small cap funds from value research - ideal is to look for 3/5 year performance, expense ratio and ranking of value research / Ind money etc. Do the same for mid and large cap too.
Get started.
Don't move to dezerv. It is dealing with regular mutual funds and you have to pay commission. Go with Groww , Coin from Zerodha , Paytm Money or Kuvera .Even MF Utilities is a good platform
I believe you are a new investor. Stick to MF. If you think you are not doing good and/or picking bad funds take help of a CFP or an MFD.