
Anyone has any perspective for Capgemini company for business services vertical? How is company and its growth ,work culture?

11mo ago

Opportunities with undervalued financial growth.


Why undervalued financial growth,, they pay less or less increments ?


Usually they offer 30% hike for normal joiners and unless you're on the last week of your notice period they'd not match up to your salary expectations. Inside the organisation you need to be for 2.5 years to receive the hike or promotional growth. The performance review cycle is from Jan to dec and hike letters are distributed in the month of April and in first week of May you will get your hike if eligible. Eligibility marks with the condition that in your joining year , no hike will be given . This doesn't happen at all organisations ..and the whole process undermines the talent's growth by two year.


I agree with @FuzzyCast9, you get to learn and get opportunities but do not stay relevant financially in the market.


So you saying it's good company to learn but not relevant financially means they pay more to less ? What is their average increment % annually


Comparatively less in the market, and it varies based on BU. All big MNC shares the same average in annual increments. Its better for one to check the financial status of the company and how are they progressing leads to good annual payouts. For instance, Accenture paid their employees in 21 and 22 gave good hikes and promotions. But due to economical and growth factors they had to compromise in 23 or late 22. And for sure Accenture holds the huge crowd and deals, but the market is unpredictable.

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