Anyone tried hair gummies?
I have ordered one, excited with the reviews Now having second thoughts on eating medicine without prescription

A friend's family member is a dematologist and she doesn't recommend hair gummies.
Hairfall has a variety of different causes and each needs specific treatment.
Example: Iron deficiency, hormones, etc.
Besides, some gummies have a lot of sugar which can be inflammatory for your body.

I would really like to suggest you to game up on nourishing food (banana, cashews, paneer etc) and get it checked if hormones are imbalanced or some deficiencies. B12 and zinc specifically.

dont eat anything without a docs prescription… moat of the gummies are worthless and just marketing gimmicks backed by weak / non existent science

@BiryaniEnthu I havent try but as far as i heard. Those changes occur will remain as long as you going to takinh those gummies. So better to look for something long term.

If it's your primary form of hair health, then I'd rather stick to haribo. If you're already taking other prescription meds for reducing hair loss, then unprescribed gummies are the least of your concern.

Bro, after finishing it, please give a review. I've been hearing about it everywhere lately.