Is naukri.com good for job hunting ?
I usually get calls from recruitment firms not from direct companies.
And i feel LinkedIn is useless and never gets calls from the recruiter, how you get calls and get to know about opportunities. ?
I got call for CAT analyst recruitment they said that they got my resume from naukri.com but I can't find the person who called me on LinkedIn..
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I usually get calls from recruitment firms not from direct companies.
And i feel LinkedIn is useless and never gets calls from the recruiter, how you get calls and get to know about opportunities. ?
I am posting this here cause this has happened to me more than once and want to know if this happened to anyone else?
I work in a relatively (heavy emphasis on relative) niche analytics role and I got a call from a hiring agency for an ...
Hi folks, I'm desperately looking for a decent Company for job switch but from 4 months i didn't got any offer , been sat for 5 interviews but didn't worked out, the market is really f*cked up right now, if anyone please help me out to f...
Can you suggest a few sites to get a data analyst job ASAP? I have been using naukri and linkedin but I don't really get many calls. Any suggestions here??