
Are Efforts Truly Being Recognized in Your Workplace? πŸ€”

As professionals, we all strive to go above and beyond in our roles, giving our best to contribute to the success of our teams and organizations. But what happens when that dedication seems to go unnoticed? So, I’m curious to hear your thoughts:

  • How does your organization ensure that contributions are properly recognized?
  • Do you feel that your efforts are consistently acknowledged?
  • What systems do you think should be in place to ensure fair evaluations? Let’s open up a conversation on how we can create a work culture that values and appreciates every individual's contribution. πŸ’¬ #WorkCulture #EmployeeRecognition #PerformanceManagement #ProfessionalGrowth #WorkplaceMotivation
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1mo ago
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A true professional doesn't expect recognition. His pay is the true reflection of his talent.
Have you seen doctors/lawyers crib about recognition?.
Expecting recognition is a slave mentality. It neither helps professionally or personally.


Real ID se aao Narayan Murthy.

Your mentality is the actual slave mentality. Getting recognition for any good work or above and beyond work is the best way to ensure that employees feel valued, and hence stay loyal. Improves team morale.

Saying that β€œthis is the baseline that you should do and not expect any recognition” is the actual slave mentality and will make your life slow and monotonous at a super fast rate.


A new salary structure being enforced removing a whole X% from fixed into a new variable(Bonus). Silent Layoff's for those with higher salaries. Demotions for those who have been there from 5+ yrs. Thats how my organization ensure that contributions are properly recognized.

Oh, and 0% appraisals for those who did a security breach just because even upon scanning their cards, the card reader malfunctioned. Or the people who were caught standing besides their table. Or the one's who raise their voice against these malpractices :)

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