As market was down I put Today morning almost 2 lakhs in stocks, now I am in loss of almost 12k - 18k it fluctuated, any suggestion when to withdraw?

Don't withdraw now. Today was the best time to invest. Invest when market is low and withdraw when market is high.

Why would you do that?
My understanding is never invest in Markets for such a short term investment unless you are ok with losing a huge chunk of that money.
You can definitely wait for the election results to come out and then take a call

If you are worried with a 10% loss, you should not have put 2L in the first place, as this amount is possibly large for you.
What level % of your portfolio and savings is this amount. If it's a large %, stick to MFs. If it is small, you need not be worried.
Also, write down your rationale before buying any stock. And if it goes down 5%, how you will react. E.g. BEL. Defense spend growing in india. If stock falls 5%, it doesn't change demand. So I will hold/buy more.

It’s all savings , other than MF. Reliance loss with 12k . The thing is I don’t sell anything when there is loss. I wait usually that the strategy I use

Then wait, and sell at a lower loss. But put a time frame.dont wait indefinitely. There is time value of money.
"In 6 months, it loss reduces to 2k, i will sell."
Remember this is a shit company with a shit history, and God knows what future.
Please revisit your stock selection process.

Hold it..you will recover your corpus in a week time



it will be back to normal in 1 to 2 months time. From previous trend even when opposition won it took 6 months to come back to normal. Wait for a couple of months


Equity Withdrawl Time?
Came across a few posts on Twitter suggesting that if the gains are less than 1 lakh, it might be better to sell right now and buy later. I have just started a while back and have around 15L invested. Was looking towards the long term ho...

How much bottom we will see in indian markets?
Look at my today's loss & I am overall 5% down since the start of the month.

Show off karne ka tarika thoda kezual hai 😱 haaaye daiiiya, paaaaanch laakh !!

I was 15% up overall, I'm at 5.56% today 😪😪😪

NIFTY is on a breakout. Some profit booking today but bullrun is looking solid❤️
Today there is mild profit booking. Have purchased 500 ETF units of NIFTYBEES today. Let's see.
Anyone else opening new postions or any thoughts to share?