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“You have four modes of communications. There are three Ps, and they're all externals. You have a Politician […] they'll lie just for you to like them. Well, we do this all the time. When we go for a job interview, because we want to be liked, we want people... So we tell people what they want to hear. Then you have a Preacher […] I think about Steve Jobs and his reality distortion field, how successful that was. I'm trying to add a positive connotation to that, though you also know the negatives, what the negatives are. And then you have a Prosecutor, which is like when somebody in the courtroom trying to get somebody to change their mind. I would argue, we spend probably maybe too much time in the prosecutor mode. But here's the problem. These modes, they have positive and negatives, but here's the thing, this one commonality they'll have, if you spend all your time in those modes, you're going to learn very little, because they are outward facing modes. You're just trying to change somebody's mind, or influence other people. And then you have a Scientist mode, and this is the mode that you and I, and I'm sure you are already, but people like us should spend 80% of our time in […] And in this mode, anything enters your mind is hypothesis, which you examine from different directions, and then for careful for examination, you're like, "Okay, this is what I think." And by the way, if somebody else changes my mind, I'm fine to this.”” SOURCE:

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