Are bangalore people actually very sophisticated or they are just faking it?
In my org people have been creating that vibe where they are very sophisticated about their actions, the way they speak etc, they behave like we are working in a US based startup where they are using western lingo and all together a different way to communicate. I have worked in other startups in other cities but didn’t find this type of culture. Is this common or am I missing something?
What are your thoughts?
Educated elites consume any garbage dumped from America. See the 64 genders? Netflix and Amazon prime are their religion. Their festivals are new movie releases. Cultureless population.
Yeah man, i mean i am having a fomo now. People are hugging each other unnecessarily 10 times a day and doing random shit, its actually funny to see them. I have started hating the word OMG!!
Dont worry there well grounded people in Banaglaoer too , We need to get the good things of Western and dump the bad thngs , Millenials be mature mostly .
@1 , could you give an example. Not sure I understand. An example might help
I see a coffee with karan show in my office!
Is that a metaphor? If yes, not sure what you are getting at
Live. Let live, brother.
The key is to not be bothered by it, if it's not your cup of tea. I survive - by both.
I have a tier 3 city upbringing, but can gel pretty well with my Bangalore friends similar to what you describe here. Simple funda is unless people are being jerks, these nuances make them - them.
+++ I have also grown up from tier three but it just bothers me how people forget their roots, of course i am not doing anything but wanted to share my thoughts and see if there is something i am missing. I agree the day they start fucking is when i should give a dime about it.
Oooh, stayed at this place in Bangalore and they didn't have buckets or normal bedsheets, only fitted ones, and I was like, where do you think you are? America? 😂😂😂
Seriously why can’t just be Indians :(
Ikrrrrrrrr, like shower and all is fine, but I need my bucket man 😭😭😭
And no, I can't just keep the AC on a super low temperature and use a duvet all night, mujhe chadar chahiye odhne ke liye, keep this firangi nonsense to yourself