by SillyPandaFounder

by JazzyMarshmallowStudent

by BubblyJellybeanSoftware Developer
To the people who're working today
Did you have to work today on Diwali?
For the first option people
May the management succumb to the greatest hurt given by it's own offspring in hate.
Yes, jckss management didn't give leave
Yes, my will (love work)
No, had to struggle for leave
No, all good, at home
2 votesexpired

Get better or just get lost
You don't deserve this city. My whole time in gurgaon inspite of all the shit people it holds (lets be honest, no major city in our country has worse civilization than Delhi), i still used to defend Delhi when someone lets his tongue loo...

by WobblyBiscuitStudent

by JumpySushiStudent
Speak Hindi or leave the bank.
imagine being so entitled that you force someone to speak a langauge in a state where it isn't spoken, and then cry as if the world were to end if they ask you to learn even 1 sentence in their land.

by WobblyBurritoProcess Associate

'Don’t sermonise, don’t act like a D. And you can enjoy the beer, the business, and go back home.'
You show ganchali. You get back ganchali