Bahut Hua Salary, Tell me a website/app that you created.
Tired of seeing so much money. Do you have a website or app that you created? Share here.
Tired of seeing so much money. Do you have a website or app that you created? Share here. working on this right now
Language? - served more that 6.5L users since I launched it in 2018 (??). It's just HTML, CSS and JS hosted with github pages. Made $58 from ads that google won't let me collect - Wallmage coverts GIFs into live wallpapers for android and made the most money for me ( initially I charged $2 to download the app) but I paid more for Digital Ocean to host the backend services than I could ever make with the app. Decommissioned the online wallpaper sharing aspect because of this - An app that told you when the metro would be at the station. Initially was pretty accurate but then BMRCL kept changing timings and I got bored keeping up. That find nearest metro station feature was super helpful to me tho - an app to help me study and revise with repeated tests, like flash cards. Graduated college before I could finish it and didn't need it anymore, so it lies abandoned.
And now if someone isn't paying taxes because of such disgusting website, will be paying visit to income tax office for next 4 weeks. Seems like tax evasion is the only choice left.
Also I think there are many individuals who can make...
I want to understand if you are also satisfied with your compensation?
2.4 lakhs/month. Not a developer. Not in Tier 1 city. Not in FAANG or whatever it’s called now. No lo...
Hey guys, I am building a personal finance management, essentially FinTech in India  to give users, a smart banking experience without any neobanking bullshit .
Don’t have to open a new bank account to have great features like a Jupite...
I find the apps interface for salary comparison quite crude at this point in dev cycle. Hence let's see if we can get a list of actual salaries going here. I'll start, data scientist with 9 yoe drawing 65 LPA delhi ncr.