Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai people: How many hours in a day do you actually sleep?
People who sleep 8 or more, please tell me your tricks People who sleep 5 hours or less, how are you surviving?
People who sleep 8 or more, please tell me your tricks People who sleep 5 hours or less, how are you surviving?
Ways to Achieve Deep Sleep
I only get out of bed after I feel like it. Some days I have 11hr naps.
Holy shit. 11 hour naps. You are one lucky person. Do you feel very healthy and young in general because of these habits?
I don't know really, never thought about it. I feel just okay. The days where I don't get enough sleep are when I feel groggy all the time.
I have to wake up in the morning at 6 am for News 😢
In that sweet spot between 5-8 hours daily.