
Best coffee ROI today

Overheard someone saying - I'm at that point in life where I’d rather be rejected by AI because it’s faster, brutally honest, and doesn’t follow up with a fake "Hope we can connect in the future!" . AI gets me

AI doesn’t care about my feelings, my "passion for the role" or whether I practiced my STAR method. It just scans, decides I'm unworthy, and moves on. Respect. If I have to face rejection, I want it swift, brutal, and preferably written by a machine that doesn’t care if I cry. Because crying in front of a bot is infinitely less humiliating than crying on a follow-up Zoom call.

AI doesnt do the "We'll keep your resume on file" scam. AI doesn’t store me in some imaginary "file" where rejected applicants go to die. AI just deletes me - immediately and unapologetically. No fluff, no false hope. Just clean, cold, and clinical rejection. The way heartbreak should be.

AI skips "Let’s stay in touch", "It was a hard decision", "We’ll circle back in six months" and more.. It sees my resume, calculates my keyword density, and goes - "Nope" No sugarcoating, no fake smiles. Just brutal, algorithmic efficiency. And I'll take that over corporate gymnastics any day.

AI: 1. Humans: 0.

On the next table.. I saw a recruiter, who overheard this as well, but pretending looking immersed into the vast universe affront him and probably thought.. "Wait, am I just a glorified rejection bot with Wi-Fi and a LinkedIn profile?" Cue the existential crisis music he stared typing "We regret to inform you" email to another candidate ... wondering if he is just one bad algorithm away from being replaced by AI.

Again ... Best coffee ROI today

1mo ago
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