Brainless thoughts
In conclusion, I've neither relaxed nor been productive during this weekend. And i feel guilty about both.
Meh. Fuk it. Consequences of my own actions.
Freedom is not a release, it's a responsibility. You're no longer bound by others, but by choices that now define you.
The burden of your own destiny is far heavier than the chains of another's control.
Realised this years later. I would have spent my time in college more wisely had I internalised this thought. I misused my newly found azaadi. But everything happens for a reason
In conclusion, I've neither relaxed nor been productive during this weekend. And i feel guilty about both.
Meh. Fuk it. Consequences of my own actions.
In this world of irrational chaos, it's better to divide my disbelief between artificial intelligence and human intelligence.
DINKs, (dual income no kids) have been gaining traction a lot lately. I want to know from the members of gravevine, what are their views on being a DINK couple or a DINKWAD( double income no kids with a dog). From financial prospects lik...
We are a DINK couple (live-in, will get married soon) and absolutely no plans to have kids. Maybe be a DINKWAD someda...