Portfolios for product manager
How many of you guys have portfolios you share with recruiters? What do you include in them? Aby tips to get started with creating one
Hey, I’m applying to a bunch of roles, and I often come across a field on job applications that asks for a website or portfolio.
I never thought of creating a website for my work but it seems product companies view it as a useful way to learn more about candidates
What should a PM include in their portfolio or website? Beyond the usual product teardowns, what else adds value? Obviously, I can’t write about the products I’m currently working on since they fall under my org’s.
Experienced PMs here — what do you think about this? Any ideas for creating a meaningful portfolio while navigating these constraints?
It's a waste of time. Just do great work on the products you work and add them to your CV
I am also looking to transit into product management, have done few startups which didn't pan out as hoped! Would greatly appreciate any guidance or referrals u might be able to offer? With my startup experience I have gained hands-on experience on production lifecycle management, prd's, agile methodologies .....just see if things can work out for me...I am open for probation as well.
How many of you guys have portfolios you share with recruiters? What do you include in them? Aby tips to get started with creating one
I do understand that for product designers it is important to have a design portfolio but what about product managers? And if the answer is yes, what about confidentiality? I mean you can’t just share what all you developed or worked upon?