Stay away from those you will never make money. Get into stocks only when you are ready to learn else do Sips.
See the difference in the advice of these professionals.
Don't invest your money on the advice of these professionals or report etc.
Read, learn and invest.
Wow, very brilliant of a student to completely piss on an Equity research career.
HUL has a 1% increase in earnings for the Dec Quarter. And 0.5% increase in sales.
And trades at some 58 times earnings. It's strange how markets work sometimes.
Basically this is a reductive view. They might have different terms of holding the investment.
That's basic. That's how stock market work. Different perspective with same information make a trade happen. If everyone is of same view how will trade happen?
How you see HUL from here then??
Stay away from those you will never make money. Get into stocks only when you are ready to learn else do Sips.
Could someone share some trusted recommendations? I don’t have too much time to follow the markets closely but would like someone to manage my portfolio or share calls based on technical analyses with me
I got 100% hike. I joined an abroad company. Now my salary is 30 LPA. Any serious answers what should I do? I don’t want to be reckless with so much money.
It's been close to a year since I am earning a salary and this is what I do:
Following the 50-30-20 rule for 5 years now. Started with a salary of 6LPA fixed. Now at 25LPA. Investing ...
I do the same. Invest 50% in MF(Flexi cap and Index funds) and remaining in 80C instruments here and there. Tip - M...