
Mobile Cover Fraud Alert (tracking link now takes me to Go daddy website)

I bought this cover from a site called “Cover Souls” which I saw on Instagram ad so I thought of it as a genuine website after scrolling through the page and I got mails as well like the cover has been shipped etc and they gave a tracking link as well in mail which was working fine earlier but now when I am opening that link it takes me to Go daddy website and a msg like the website has been parked and when I am trying to drop mail or reply to the mail that I received from cover souls it is not getting delivered as now the mail id does not exist. Has anyone faced this kind of issue earlier? This is something new to me!!




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Indian Startups on

by ShadyTorque


WTF is up with Swiggy - A Swiggy Scam Story

Recently, I heard a very interesting story about Swiggy from someone. Their mum booked a high value order as a surprise for them on Swiggy. Since they had a Swiggy One subscription, the whole family used the same account. Halfway through, the delivery person calls them, says the vehicle broke down. Mum steps away to deal with something else and when the delivery person calls again, their dad picks up. The delivery person says the vehicle broke down but he'll figure something out and send it with someone else, but to do that first, he'll need their details. He proceeds to ask for their phone number (linked to account) and for the OTP sent from Swiggy? Sounds super strange but the dad took pity and figured sure, let me try and make this delivery person's unlucky day a bit nicer — after all, it's a Swiggy account anyways, what harm could it do. He shared the OTP. Almost immediately after, the delivery person changed the phone number for the account and everyone logged in lost access to the account. Ofc, he scammed the order for himself. The real kicker is that their Email ID was still linked to the account, so anytime the delivery person makes an order, they get an email with his order details. So far, they've been regularly getting order details emails with orders for paan, gutkha, cigarettes and some sides/chakna, all to some mall. 😂 Now, cool story bro, but how is this Swiggy's fault, you ask? Well, support has been contacted multiple times, over multiple accounts, but to no avail, because clearly their customer support has gone to shit. Even with the address and phone number of the delivery person who scammed them, and having an email id linked to the account, they've been of absolutely no help, as if their hands are tied. Their user workflows are so brittle, they don't account for the simplest locked out of account scenarios, let alone address security concerns and protect the customer from their own agents. Truly a wonder this company is worth anything.


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by Ross11


Recruitment scam and spam

So, I am looking for senior level jobs and usually referall /direct connects have worked better. But today I had to upload my resume on 'cuz the opening on linkedin, redirected me there. Within an hour I got a call from an agency called evolution planner and what seemed like a young boy in an animated voice asking if am looking out etc. What spiked my curiosity was him asking if am looking outside India, which is not usual opening question. Now its usual for consultants to call so it was sll okay till he said there will be a small fees. Now again, I know of senior folks who deploy headhunters and I was like maybe these people have got my profile from somewhere and are looking to source business from me. I wouldn't have paid but I entertained to see where this is going. He said Microsoft, Oracle etc have shortlisted me. Funny given I have worked in startups in marketing ( and not even tech ) so don't knw whats the skillset match. Anyway he told me to create an account and my final red flag was when he said site name like www who says it like that. I cut the call pretending am getting another call and he can call me later. He asked me to confirm since he will have to hold the client for me. Lol It's happened with me for the 1st time and unfortunately searching this company name doesn't throw any negative reviews either. But this is a scam,right ? Also since when did google start recruiting like this. Have you heard of this company? Also have you had such experiences.?