Can't understand Gen Z
I am currently preparing for product management interviews. When I try to solve case studies I am not able to empathise with Gen Z. When someone asks to improve an app I am like, "dude it already has so many features what else do you want". When I read the pain points of Gen Z I don't even understand how can such simple things can be a pain points for someone. It is like people don't want to do anything on their own

There's a meta pattern here
We can make reasonable products only for folks we can relate to
and if empathy ain't something you enjoy, focus on very specific b2b customer segments etc where what customer says is what customer means
B2B is way simpler
don't go after b2c if you wouldn't know why they use ir

I can empathise with most of the people like elderly, middle age. It is that some of things related to gen z I simply don't get & I am 1996 born so I am not that old either

Find your segment & build products for it, that'll be easiest

Gen z is one of the most interesting generations to actually design a user persona for.
Your line of thinking should be as follows: You are creating x feature for y function, for a user which has dopamine burnout of a krokodil addict, thinking capacity of an ant, and attention span for literal microsecond.
You need to actually put some effort for such product creation.
PMs should hate their customers in a way you can notice what makes them tick.
Just use that man

GenZ is tough for some of us
also I don't want to think like them
there's so much suffering there

GenZ are different pattern altogether.
A '26 class guy comments on my post to read up economics stuff because he thinks I'm wrong.
Why tf did I get my MBA for?