
Interviewing an HR who rejected me before

Long story short, looking for an HR to help me with HR things (junior role) Got application from a senior HR who had rejected me in 2021 Interviewing them soon. I'll probably reject them because budget will be a constraint, but nothing before speaking to them. Their sourcing must be good since they found me earlier 💁‍♀️ P.S. I didn't know a part of me would be so stuck on random interview calls




5 months ago




5 months ago




5 months ago

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Software Engineers on

by Sweetpain


Rejected After clearing all the rounds at Apple

I've recently appeared for the Interview at Apple. Total 7 rounds and last round was with the HR. Till 6th round feedback was quite positive and in the 7th Round there was discussion that happened about Salary expectation. HR mentioned that she will check and get back with approved numbers and If I'm okay then they will proceed with releasing the offer letter. So I was expecting the same. But One week later HR called and rejected me saying that another Candidate is selected for this role. I was heartbroken and devastated. When I asked for the feedback, She said they cannot share the feedback it's just that they felt another candidate is better fit than me so they are going ahead with that candidate. On the very next day of my rejection call, they opened the Same position again in the Careers site. After 2 weeks again I called the same HR to understand If I could apply for the open position. She said that the Careers site it posted wrongly, the open position is not for my experience but it's for more experienced/senior Level. I could think that HR is not being transparent. This time again I asked for feedback, what went wrong or what could have been better, to which she replied that I was not clear on certain things and I was not transparent. Background is : After 6 rounds were done, HR called me suddenly one day and informed me that I cleared all the rounds and asked me for the expectation. I thanked her and asked about the Role (IC3 or IC4 or IC2) that I would likely get So that I can do some research and get back. She said she doesn't have clarity yet on the Role and mentioned mostly it would be IC3. So I asked her for some time to get back and 2 hours later I discussed my expectations. Then a week later, the Rejection call. Not sure what went wrong. In my most recent call she mentioned that for some simple questions like expectations I was not giving answers properly. It's been 3 weeks and I still could not come out of that rejection.


Indian Startups on

by MrRobot1992

Early Stage Startup

Don't bother interview with AccelData

This was my pathetic interview experience with Acceldata india with a very unprofessional and lying recruiter. This story has a satisfying ending. I attended 6 rounds of interviews in 1 month and completed a take home assignment. I cleared all the rounds and even had a manager discussion about my onboarding. All good so far. Few days later the recruiter called back and said we need one more round (8th round) with the director who sits in US office. I said Ok and he scheduled this call on a Friday 10pm at night. At 9:55pm I tried to join the meeting link he sent but the link was not working. I tried in different browsers, different laptop, different internet connection. No luck. So I reached out to recruiter on mobile and he doesn't pick up. I know he's available because he was on call with someone else. I even tried reaching him via a different phone number but still no luck. Imagine the anxiety and panic I had to go through since I felt that it was my fault. On, next day he casually calls me in the morning to say that "Sorry I tried calling you 2 days ago but your mobile was unreachable (which is a plain lie). He says he cancelled the meeting because he found another candidate with lower salary. That's fine, and I don't give a damn at this point. But I asked why didn't he send meeting cancelled email so I didn't have to panic on a friday late night. He casually says "Sorry about that". That's the last I hear of him. No response after that. All this after going through 8 rounds of interviews and a take home assignment. All because this a--hole recruiter lied to my face and couldn't send a simple email. Funny thing is: Another recruiter reached out to me 3 months later for the same role. Apparently the candidate they hired instead of me backed out at the last miniute. 🤣 If you get a chance to interview at AccelData, trust me, please don't waste your time. The company and the recruiting practises are not worth your time, even if you are jobless.


Business Roles on

by Barbaadeshwar


Finally got a job (here's the do's and dont's)

Context: 10.5 YOE, Marketing lead. I've been looking for a switch since September last year. I'd seen signs of maybe my role or the company itself folding very early and knew 'twas time to bolt. But it's not that easy. Back then - 1 year in a startup meant hey not bad, people still spoke to you and considered your profile. These days, they treat you like Ebola if you've not had your ass stuck in the same place for 3-5 years. Anyway, so the majority of my time searching for jobs was the shitty Easy Apply or IIMJOBS premium account route. Suprise suprise. It doesn't work. But hey I was still employed and not nearly as motivated as someone who's unemployed. Cut to layoffs: Got laid off with my whole team and a huge chunk of other leaders. My first layoff, felt hilariously like the last day of school. To the org's credit they gave us 3 month severance, leave encashments and extra months for those who'd been there for 2 years+. In hindsight hearing the horror stories of 2k severance from Byju's. I'm grateful for the nice golden parachute I got. I'll be honest, it contributed heavily to my mental stability. I had time, I had leverage, I didn't have to run for the first shitty opportunity that came my way. The How I did it (why you struggled through the above stream of consciousness) - Wrote to 159 founders with one pagers to 35 of them with ideas on how i'd lead their marketing function. 5 replies. 3 interviews. 2 offers - didn't take em cuz they were super early stage or diff cities. This is immediately in month 1 so I've already started feeling icky about not getting great brands to have in my set. - Easy Applied to 768 (I ran a Gmail search, this is a real number) jobs. 99% no responses or you've been rejected. -Kept changing one letter on my profile, got me 6 calls, 3 interviews and 1 conversion I think theres a word limit to posts 🥲 following up as comments below.


Indian IT on

by Fork


AMA: Quit my job as a Product Manager at Jio within 2 months

I applied for the opening at JPL (Jio Pvt Ltd) in June of last year. Received the interview call on 4th July and concluded the entire process with the final HR round on 17th August (already painfully slow). This was followed by a period of complete silence from the HR's end, which finally broke on 30th September (after probably 30+ follow-ups) when they gave me a verbal offer and gave me confidence for the final offer release within a few days. Well, the final offer came on 27th December 2023, close to 3 months after the verbal offer (again, after probably 40+ follow-ups). Joined on 16th January 2024 (due to some emergency), and was treated to a GREAT campus in Navi Mumbai. --And this is probably where everything good with JPL ends. After spending 2 days, I understand that things are not what I expected from any Product organisation, and that I made the wrong decision. Gave myself 30 days to ensure the feelings were backed by more experiences, and I'm not acting impulsively. Day 31, I started interviewing with other organisations, and fortunately was able to get in touch with the HR from another organisation that I rejected for Jio, and they were kind enough to resend the offer letter. Dropped the bomb on 8th March 2024, startling everyone because people usually don't like leaving their comfortable lives at Jio. My L1 and L2 aligned on a 14 days notice period, but the "smartasses" in the HR department thought its a great idea for me to serve the entire notice period of 60 days, and thus I'm stuck here till 6th May 2024. Opening the forum for people with any amount of experience to ask questions about the hiring process, the culture, the turn-off, the decision to quit, ANYTHING.


Indian Startups on

by FatTortoise0


Cars24 APM Interview - Worst experience

Around a month ago, HR called to ask if I was interested in the APM role. After following up multiple times for the interview, they said the hiring manager didn't like your profile. After 2-3 weeks, different HR reached out, saying they want to conduct round - 1 for the same team. The interview happened, and I reached out to HR after 3-4 days for the next steps, but she kept cutting my calls and completely ghosted me. I reached out to another HR, and she said the feedback on the portal was that "experience is not enough." I was pretty disappointed as while conducting interviews, HRs reached out to me so many times, but they couldn't even send an automated email for feedback. But it didn't end there. The HR who ghosted me called again after a couple of weeks to schedule round 1 with another team. The interview went well, and the interviewer asked me about my availability for round 2 and when I could join them, etc., saying we would try to conduct the next round soon. When I reached out for feedback, HR kept saying I'll call you later. I'm busy right now, and then they ghosted me. After following up multiple times, she said the feedback wasn't positive. I hoped for round 2 here since the interviewer seemed convinced and contented with my profile. Now, just because I reached out 10s of times, they told me that I have been rejected! How much time does it take to send an automated email? :/