
Offerd by Startup and a Multinational Healthcare company

I have been interviewing for my next role and was interviewed by a well funded startup with high EBIDTA margins, great management but when it came to offer they offered me 10% to what I currently draw. The CHRO stated that we are a startup and not a well established multinational firm who can pay well. On the other hand the multi national company offered me 15% hike on my existing and their VP HR stated we are not some well funded startup who can pay well. Now this makes me wonder who is actually paying well. I have not shared my offers with either as it's against my negotiating principals to use offers against companies. . I can negotiate based on my skills and talent. It's a position of chief information security officer at the start up and Director Infosec at MNC. Job profile is mostly same.




a year ago




a year ago




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Indian Startups on

by AlphaGrindset

Series A Startup

The Generalist - #1: Why you should not stay only in startups

Hi folks, thinking of writing a regular mini blog here about my learnings being a generalist in the ecosystem. I currently handle growth at an ecom startup and have previously been through 2-3 startups + a large corporate in my 7 year career. #1: Why you should not stay only in startups Recently started reflecting on salaries of many peers who are also startup folks and trying to see where it stands. There are 3 cohorts: a. People who started out in Big 4/Corporate & then became a generalist: They've been underpaid the most. First pay was 4-5L, and when they transitioned to startups, started at 7-9L. Over time, growing from there is difficult without MBA. b. People who have forever been in startups: They earn more than A on average. But here too, there is a delta in their salaries vs. people with same YoE who went to an MBA and are in corporate now. Side note: I've seen this cohort has usually loved what they've done, and being in startups definitely has positively impacted their thought process. c. People who went to a corporate/big tech etc. mid way: This cohort has done the best long term. Their pay got recalibrated when they went to a larger company in the middle through their career, and when they rejoined startups, they were respected more in salary negotiation. This is to anybody out there who is a generalist and sees a similar path. Try to sandwich a proper, large company in your career. It gives you perspective on whether you like it and if startups is really your preferred route. And it also recalibrates your pay. Startups will limit you basis your last salary. Corporates have standards basis bands. Just something to think over. NOTE: Do share feedback, if this makes sense. And if you'd like to read more of these too.


Indian Startups on

by shaatirbilli


Shady Company Hiring Practice

Hi! So I had been interviewing for a startup and I finally heard back from them with an offer but the numbers are way below my expectations. I had quoted a 25% raise from my prev pay of 1.5 years — which I know from folks around would have been their budget for the role as well. But they have lowballed me offering me a 10% increase on my base pay + no ballpark on the variable bonus. Now I am confused about a few things 1. They said they normally just offer a 10% hike on prev salary to all new joinees (which is a little shady to me bec I’m sure they had a budget of their own for each role) 2. They are saying my year end bonus will be based on performance but are not even giving me a ballpark (bonus could be a 10K INR also and a month’s salary also. The range is huge) 3. They are saying the reason they don’t offer market standard right on joining is because in the past even after rigorous rounds of interviews, they have seen poor performers in the team despite the good pay. (My question is: how is that my problem and not your hiring manager’s? Because you have been historically bad at setting up a good hiring process and judgment - is not MY PROBLEM. This just reeks of your low trust in me even before I have joined. And I don’t know if that’s a great thing) Final question: is this giving 🚩🚩? Please help me assess + also any other reccos on how to handle or negotiate this bec as much as the role is exciting to me, the numbers are just not pleasant