Decided to resign from EY because of nightmares
I've been keeping a journal for over 5 years now. Recently, shifted to Journal app on the phone.
Recently, I have been thinking about Anna. She was just a few years older than me. She joined EY Pune and died four months later under what her family described as relentless work pressure. I think of her all the time now, and it’s haunting.
My journal captures moments I haven’t even shared with family. The late nights, the constant deadlines, the exhaustion that’s felt more normal than sleep.
Reading about her, I realized her experience was so much worse. It started to give me nightmares every now and then about myself.
I’m terrified to think of what might’ve happened if i did not have the support I needed. I undertook therapy to deal with the mismatch in my work and my internal fears.
EY’s response was painful to read. Management claims “work pressure” didn’t play a role in the incident is so stupid. I’ve talked to many people about it and anyone I talk to has gotten very uncomfortable with this.
But in my journal, I see the same signs of burnout she had. I’m taking action.
I want to share this not just as a goodbye to EY, but as a warning for anyone who thinks burning out is just part of becoming successful.
It’s not worth it. no paycheck is worth your health or your life. I still can’t help but look at the acceptance email at EY.
Sharing my journal entry with you all.