I saw this news about some metro cables being stolen between Kirti Nagar and Moti Nagar metro stations. Like, who even does that? I mean, I get that people need money, but stealing metro cables? That’s next level crazy.
I remember when our office network was down for a whole day because someone cut the fiber optic cables by mistake. We were all sitting there, clueless and frustrated, waiting for the IT guys to fix it. Imagine the chaos if metro cables go missing! No trains, no commutes, total madness.
It’s like, on one hand, I’m kind of impressed by their guts. But on the other hand, I’m totally appalled. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience but it’s a major disruption. People depend on the metro for their daily commute. Blue and Yellow lines are genuinely the most important lines in the city.
Thoughts on this shit?