Discovered a fantastic place for amazing quality coffee in Indiranagar
Today I visited Chick Cafe at Jeevan Beema Nagar to get freshly grounded Chikmanglur AAA coffee. Picked up a Dark roast and other medium dark roast, amazing coffee and incredibly priced.
Found the quality of beans to be better than several D2C 'brands' and at half the price. Plus, the owner, Sarvan, has fantastic knowledge in coffee and happy to share it with his customers.
Highly recommended!

Google location? Is it near Savoury/Leon Grill

Here it is https://maps.app.goo.gl/jAGZFUk3HvCUFdMg7 Sarvan 081972 91377

Thanks will try

Woah thanks for the recommendations here

Do they also make instant coffee powders? I like coffee but can't be bothered with the whole filtration and baaki tanta

They don't. Though, try a Mokapot for a few days, you'll never go back to instant coffee.
Happened to me a couple of years back. Never went back to instant.