Never worked from Blore. Worked in Jaipur, Mumbai, Noida.
Total work experience: 7.5
I’m working in Dubai since ~2 years.
Salary: Living alone with salary ~25kAED
Accommodation: 3.5k-5k AED in JBR
Weather: if you’re from north India, summer is same. Anyway, AC everywhere and mostly things are in door or have AC. Nov-April is good weather. Temp 14-27c.
Visa: unless you have a job you have visa. If you got salary >30k AED/month, you can apply for 10 year gold visa and this can be extended
I was in same dilemma 2 years back, I’m glad I moved here. Given a chance to live in UAE vs USA, I’d choose UAE
I have ample of things to do after work hours. I started running, hitting gym, going for tennis. Live nearby beaches/waterfront so pretty great quality of life.