
Earnings of youtubers

I wanna understand if we software engineers are complete idiots for working so hard to earn 50 LPA+ when there are influencers who seem to be making a million dollars a year in India.

Does anyone have any clue about influencer earnings in India(YouTube or Instagram)?

3mo ago
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1 in a million youtubers, influencers actually make a sustainable earning

There are lakhs of softwares engineers.


Brother trust me, Instagrams and youtubers can buy followers/subscribers(let's say 1 million) and then take brand deals to earn upto 10 lakhs for a single Collab.


Income is not about how hard you work or how skilled you are. It is about incoming transactions. Be it in exchange for something, a gift, a steal or anything. Income is quite simple. You offer something in exchange of money. That money can be a small amount or a big amount. It is easy to find people paying small amount and harder to find people who pay big amount. So we do less big transactions and more small transactions. The problem with most salaried individuals is that they aim to earn big with just a single transaction which is hard to find. To earn more one should aim for small transactions at a larger scale. This is what most companies do. Another problem is having no product. Most companies, influencers and businesses aim to build a product but salaried individual makes his/her time a product. One can make lots of products but time is never made, and we have a limited amount of it. So if you sell your time for a few thousands or even lacs, you won't be rich. On the other hand, influencers make their audience a product. They first lure an audience into watching a video, enjoying their content etc and then sell them to a company for advertisements. Each head earns them less than 1$ yet they have so many heads to sell that they earn millions from it.

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