
Easy side hustle 101

Buy from Alibaba/Indiamart Sell on Amazon and/or website Profit

Do keyword research for market demand on reddit , forums, personal circles.

Buy for 100 bucks, sell for 150-200

It's literally what Raj shamani did to make quick money in covid. Many others buying from Alibaba and selling on Indiamart too. It's free SEO just by getting listed on Indiamart and Amazon.

Hard mode: improve current products and launch your own jugaadu products.

Can easily scale to 10cr+. Exports are also exempt from GST, one of the only good policies this govt has that you should take full advantage of.

7mo ago

Easier said than done. Importing from alibaba is extremely difficult and if you are able to do it legally then after all the duties and charges you actually do not make much.
Also selling on Amazon is not so easy now. You pick any product and you will find 100s selling same item.


Everything is easier said than done when you get down to it :)

Feel free to browse Indiamart and check out hundreds and thousands of sellers simply importing from Alibaba and selling in India. The pictures are often the same as Alibaba listings lol. Make a scraper, see what you find.

As for hundreds of sellers selling same item, you will almost never be a sole supplier for anything in the world. That doesn't mean you can't make money just because there's competition. You can play with product USP, pricing, customer support and better execution to still make more than enough money.


Speaking from my exp. My wife sells product via her own D2C website, amazon and Qcom. And selling anything in India is tough.

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