Can we just stop worshipping this man?! He has done a lot of bad things and continues to do so, for his own selfish reasons. He is not someone worth worshipping.
No one is worshipping him but you can’t deny the fact he has achieved remarkably great things for himself and human race collectively

Here's where people get it wrong. "HE" hasn't "achieved remarkably great things", in fact, he has just thrown money to the talented people who have achieved these remarkably great things and he has just stolen their credit for himself.

His “CV” so far is just his acquisitions. Wish I had a daddy with an emerald mine too

Not to discount this as a non-achievement, but for most of these organisations - he has bought his role, and acts more as a key stakeholder at best, and a grifter at worst.

Memes on Mars 🚀

Hyping DOGE coin

He is a privileged brat who used his personal branding to dominate the startul ecosystem and cornered absolutely huge amounts of funding..
Also btw, he never built anything himself. Bought out other companies..

Leaving this image here, so that people who are confused if he's a human or not, will know what he is. 🫡

The dick riding is unbelievably