Your favourite problem which you solved?
What is your favourite problem you have worked on? What did you learn from it? Is there anything you would change in your approach after learning from it?
What's the best Engineering problem you have solved thill date?
Used eraser, rubber bands and twigs to fix my pilot pen in 6th grade. Everyone, including my lower middle class mom had given up on it.
By far the biggest engineering moment of my life!
Getting appraisal
What is your favourite problem you have worked on? What did you learn from it? Is there anything you would change in your approach after learning from it?
Interesting thread from previous post on If candidate be asked un realistic problems in the interview
How do handle 100k RPS/s scale?
I believe such questions just to test if candidate can think and apply certain software engineering...
Hi Everyone, I'm trying for a job in bangalore for over 6 months now, was suffering from anxiety attacks so started taking medicine. People laid off way later than me have started with their new jobs and are happy yet I'm still strugglin...
I always had hard time meeting new people. I don't like the idea of dating apps to meet people, we should have an app/platform for offline events, you can see the profile of people who are attending, price should not be exorbitantly high...
Actual job: export these 1894 user emails into an excel sheet for marketing by EoD please