PhonePe -Bengaluru
anyone here working at PhonePe -Bengaluru how's the work culture and work-life balance in general?
They are turning into this profit chasing beast making the culture extremely toxic. Would not recommend to join.
One of the old employees dropped a bomb of an e-mail against the entire leadership of PhonePe Mass Offline leadership addressing about mental harassment, hostile comments, threatening to sack, and pushing employees to have no work life balance. This mail was sent to the Founder Sameer Nigam and the HR Head.
Respected Sir/Madam, I am writing in regards to the current environment at our (PhonePe) workplace. I believe that there are several factors that could be addressed to create a better environment for employees, and I would like to bring these issues to your attention. First, Our Top Management Leader Mr XYZ, ABC & STU is mentally harassing employees and intimidation are common occurrences in the workplace. This is in the form of hostile comments, threatening to sack, creating undue pressure. It is creating a detrimental effect on employee morale and productivity. Secondly the work-life balance is often out of balance, with long working hours (8:00 am to 10:00 pm and limited opportunities for relaxation or breaks, it is leading to burnout and stress-related illnesses. It is essential that employees are given reasonable working hours and frequent breaks to ensure their physical and mental wellbeing. Fourth, These managers shout at employees on occasions by calling them on calls and asking random questions and harassing. This type of behavior is not conducive to creating a productive environment within the org. It only serves to create an atmosphere of fear and anxiety among employees. It is important that managers treat employees with respect and professionalism at all times. Lastly, to say - Sales is a continuous process and it fluctuates day on day depending upon good and bad weather, political environment, absentism in team etc but managers above and down the line shout only for numbers without recognition for our hard work. This is leading to burnout and discontentment among employees who feel taken advantage of or undervalued. Furthermore these action have had severe consequences in those leaders personnel family relationships, causing irreparable damage of their own life is trying to damage life of others by ruthless behaviour and poor decisions. Finally I have decided to leave the organisation and I hope this will be taken into consideration when creating a p
Employees generally think or are under the impression that all these culture issues or employee harassment’s are happening without the founders knowledge. But that’s not the case. These founders are the ones who secured the funding and building such valued companies. They know what’s happening and they are actually fine with what’s happening.
Majority of the cases are because of the founders - they are the culprits, followed by the useless HR heads. Phonepe specifically is a case where the HR head is one of the most cunning person with just no empathy, building an empire to rule. They did not do anything (founders or HR) when few years ago there was this terrible product head who made the entire team leave. Still there was no action.
Founders who actually talk about culture and people are the ones that doesn’t care at all. Such guys do now show any empathy and actually have a huge god complex.
May more such khulaasa’s happen.
Totally agree 💯
agree... The culture in the company is fully known to both the management and the HR. complaining to them is a waste of time. There are limited areas of complaints that the HR can solve, like g: if there is no toilet paper in the bathroom, then complain to the HR, they will arrange for one. This is the level HR can do.
Unless the company is an established one, with substantial profit in the P&L, the management will always prefer people who can work long hours, if they burn out, they will replace them with a fresh piece of meat. Thats why starts up pay huge money. IMO, people who are looking to start their own venture in 1or 2 years should join startups. Evryother reason - like gaining knowledge, experince, this is all BS. There is no point in complaining. Its like barking against the wall.
Can any current PhonePe employees confirm some truth to this claim?
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This post is useless without the mail
anyone here working at PhonePe -Bengaluru how's the work culture and work-life balance in general?
They are turning into this profit chasing beast making the culture extremely toxic. Would not recommend to join.
How is the culture, growth, work, and everything else out there? Team : Analytics