Emails! Emails! Emails
Why are there so many emails sent? How many actually open and read company-wide emails?
"we can't send emails more than 500 miles"
Why are there so many emails sent? How many actually open and read company-wide emails?
The tech environmentalist!
No trees were harmed in the production of this email; however thousands of electrons were horribly inconvenienced! This message was sent with 100% recycled electrons!
What's your signature?
There are news that massive layoffs are coming in Paytm. HR and Business Heads have been given targets - average 30% reduction expected across all teams. #bravenewworld
Poor timing !! Festive season, Christmas/new year and these layoffs. It's a remainder for everyone that compani...
I will start: Your mail storage is 600 mb something. If you cross it, you would not be able to send mail from your mail id and also won't receive mail often!😂
No matter what emergency it is!🤣
Which is the best app or platform to do email validation? The internationals ones are charging $50 but I tried MSG91 is almost charging $40 for 11000 emails. Pls suggest free or cheaper reliable apps