
For the sake of God STOP trying to get a gf

Wherever I go no matter the platform us Indian boys/men are crying for GFs and it is making me go crazy on how stupid this entire situation has gotten. I understand that us men are more lonely than ever but for the sake of God STOP crying for a gf and more importantly please stop trying to impress any random ass girl/women on the street by wearing something that you would not wear usually or drinking something that you would not like to drink or acting like someone whom you are not.

Look, the point I am trying to make is just treat girls/women as normal human being instead of putting them up on some kind of pedestal.

Just as there are a great deal of guys that you don't admire all that much or don't give a fuck about, similarly there are girls who are equally stupid and doesn't deserve your attention or efforts.

Please look out for yourself, make really good friends be it a guy or a girl, form genuine connections and keep on getting better not because you want to impress someone but because that is the right thing to do.

All I am saying is put your well being on the pedestal and enjoy life. Girls are awesome but so as we are and I just want us boys/men to realise that getting a gf is not as important as this current culture has made it to be.

Rant over I just wanted to let this thing out of my system. Take care 💗

14d ago12K views
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