Need freelance quote help
Suggest a B2B content creation part time quote
Including written blog and social media written post
How much should I charge part time ~ 20 hrs Do i include scheduling, posting the content?
I need an advice I have been offered a freelance part time project of video interviews + content management (2 videos per month with each video repurposed into 1 podcast, 1 blog, 3 Instagram reels, 3 Youtube shorts, 1 LinkedIn post, and 1 Instagram post)
How much will be ideal ask for the role?
Time (that you'll spend) x salary (monthly) ÷ (40-80 based on your experience)
What is 40-80
If you want to calculate your hourly rate, that should be at least double than your current hourly rate. A person works 20 days x 8 hours = 160 hours, you must be paid same for 80 hours. Now based on your expertise and complexity, you can make it 4 times as well
Suggest a B2B content creation part time quote
Including written blog and social media written post
How much should I charge part time ~ 20 hrs Do i include scheduling, posting the content?
What am i seeking:
I’m a copywriter with 4 years of work experience with some fairly big brands. Revently a few people have been reaching out for copy projects. Some are willing to pay per project, and others look at a long term commitment. So far I’ve bee...
Hello. If any product managers here have done freelance work in the past, how did you go about charging your clients?
The project I am looking to take up will start mid-May and should be over by mid-July.
Please provide tips on how I...
Hey folks! I am looking for a person who can help me shoot and edit videos for a podcast I'm starting. I've shot one video and plan to do 2 more for the first cut. Please hit me up with your quote. Would love to chat.