Might have agreed if it was any other sector. Fantasy gaming is just legalized gambling in which the most vulnerable lose money.

Steam games and others alike and skins/battlepasses in games should be fine. There might be some decrease in # of purchases but overall should be fine. RIP to the small gaming or fantasy betting games ig

Wait you have to pay GST to buy in-game skins? Lol wtf is this

Isn't that what it's implying or am I wrong?

The thief (Grover) shouldn’t be taken seriously much

I feel happy for the Low income folks who used to bet their life savings on such platforms https://newsletter.theindianotes.com/p/gig-economy-stories-2

I remember when they did crypto dirty like this.
Not feeling bad for legalised gambling getting the pipe like this though.

government is doing doglapan with asheer grover means life is a circle

Real money gaming?? So gambling? What's with the doglapan on words

Perception management. It's more palatable for the VC's that way. They don't want to be seen backing a gambling brand na.

Great to see that.

Time for 4th unicorn
Although hate to see many jobs and an entire flurry of businesses go down but it is what it is - gambling, despite disclaimers that communicate the same. For this guy, maybe one more book on how the government did him dirty. Couldn't make any cricketers rich in the IPL too with his app. Now back to doing motivational talks at schools in Siliguri.