Any news on Goodworker
Heard that massive layoffs are happening and they are exiting the market altogether?
Any intel on it
Just read this in a news article. Anybody has any info.
There was an article by The Information that Google is laying off people from their Ad Sales team. The article also mentioned that it's a 30k people team.
Then the Indian news papers picked it up and said "GoOgLe LaYiNg oFf 30000 PeOpLe"
Just very very poor journalism. It's not 30k people for sure. Could be 1/10th, maybe. Heard of some reorgs.
Yeah, our media can do that.
It's clickbait, everyone uses it allll the freakinggg time.
Buy agricultural lands and gold.
AI can't produce food and gold
Happened in Large Customer Sales unit
SWEs aren’t going anywhere chill
Another example how adoption of AI leads to big layoffs
Heard that massive layoffs are happening and they are exiting the market altogether?
Any intel on it
Now that it's been a couple of days since the layoff news, was anyone in India affected ?
I could not find any mention on the previous posts