Grapes on Grapevine
What are we gonna do with the grapes we accumulate on Grapevine?
What are we gonna do with the grapes we accumulate on Grapevine?
Grapes aren’t money. They’re a token of appreciation from other members on Grapevine.
Grapevine doesn’t give you grapes. Other members of the community give you grapes. They’re a token of appreciation.
But feedback taken - we are thinking of ways to give people some value/experience/feature unlocks via Grapes (still thinking how)
One suggestion is that the person with the most number of grapes should get an active grapeviner tag with a kit delivered to him/her. Also you can ask them to post that across all of their social media handles which will make grapevine even more popular!
So much of staying anonymous
When our grapevine overlords decides to go public and initiate the ipo us peasants will be given dividends annually proportional to the grapes you will be holding
Are u serious?
Yeah man I have insider info
Nothing for now.