This is reply of the founder of Kreo
The red mouse drama. Why everyone thinks they are Steve jobs and building next Apple
Be honest. Yall also noticed ranveer singh 2nd right?
Naughty ho ra ke. Arpitbala.gif
Traumatised to say least.
Moonshot is doing great though! Tanmay just capitalised all his AIB roast content into this
Bold care got daddy issues.
No Tissue, no!
Brand after Brand, these folks are creating waves.
The red mouse drama. Why everyone thinks they are Steve jobs and building next Apple
I always try and think from the point of view of the consumer ✨
Context: 10.5 YOE, Marketing lead. I've been looking for a switch since September last year. I'd seen signs of maybe my role or the company itself folding very early and knew 'twas time to bolt. But it's not that easy. Back then - 1 year...
Part 3 - Add HRs and hiring managers on LinkedIn, send them free ideas and strategies. Its ok if they steal them...