
Help to to select my carrier path

I am going to be a 2nd year student after 1.5 months(B.Tech cse). What should i lean , i have AI as my specilisation alongside with the core btech.(in my collage you have to choose a spelisation in 2nd year along with the core btech). Tell me what to lean. Should i do web dev(html,css,javascript and js node) or something else. I don't know the market's demand. I heard that web dev is of no use as chatgpt can also do it.

Please tell me a roadmap 🙏 along with resources (prefer to not spend my father's money🫠😭) My vacation is going on so i have plenty of time to learn and i am eager to learn

7mo ago
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as of now, Chatgpt can generate trivial pieces of code, but you'll need to debug them extensively, extend them, and most importantly stitch them together to make them work as expected. Also, If you're aiming for a high paying job, I'd suggest you to start with competitive programming and DSA as that will help you develop problem solving skills and the right intuition required for understanding how things work. Also, almost all of the big tech interviews have extremely high weightage for DSA based problems. Starting early will help you prepare better.

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