Hi, guys, anybody here published an app on the app store?
One of my clients is facing an issue with publishing apps.
On the Google play store they received the message - Violation Privacy policy in Google Play User Data policy: Invalid privacy policy URL Details Your app’s privacy policy does not meet necessary policy requirements. Under the User Data policy, you must link to a privacy policy on your app's store listing page and within your app. Apps that do not access any personal and sensitive user data must still submit a privacy policy. Please add or update your privacy policy, and make sure it is available on an active URL (no PDFs), is non-editable, applies to your app, and specifically covers user privacy. Please review the following compliance checklist for privacy policies. Your privacy policy must: Be linked on your app’s store listing page in Play Console and within the app itself. Hold reference to the entity (for example, developer, company) named in the app’s Google Play listing or the app. Include a clear labeling as a privacy policy. Be readable in a standard browser without any plug-ins or special handlers (no PDFs). Be available on an active, publicly accessible and non-geofenced URL. Be non-editable. Comprehensively disclose how your app accesses, collects, uses, and shares user data. This must include: Disclosing the types of personal and sensitive user data your app accesses, collects, uses, and shares; and any parties with which any personal or sensitive user data is shared. Secure data handling procedures for personal and sensitive user data. Developer’s data retention and deletion policy.
(I drafted the policy and am sure it's not lacking anywhere)
And on the Chrome Extension, they straight away got the message - Your developer account was suspended from the Chrome Web Store for publishing items that were engaged in malicious activities harmful to users. Given the nature of this violation your account will not be reinstated.
Anyone's faced similar issues in the past?

had this issue when I published the app to Play Store. here is what worked. Privacy policy has to be a static webpage and you have to show the privacy policy somewhere n your app and it should redirect to your privacy policy web page

The tech team claims they're doing that, but heaven knows 🙄🙄

just make sure the privacy policy page is text only and static. No fancy JS in it..that was the issue for us. and there is no google help article for this. needed to crawl through stack overflow to get to this stupidity.

For publishing on play store error, you must submit the data safety declaration. Go to play console > on the left menu go to app content and find declarations that need attention. Fill these questionnaire according to your app behaviour and submit. You should then be unblocked for publishing your app.

Thanks, I'll check it out!