Frontend Jobs in India
Hey All, I am actively looking out for better offers at the moment. What are some companies hiring remotely in India, preferably frontend/fullstack roles?
My tech stack - React, Node, Express, Mongo, Postgres, AWS.
What are the current hiring trends for frontend engineers in India?
I'm curious to know which skills and technologies are most in-demand, and what companies are actively hiring.
Any insights or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated!
#frontenddeveloper #webdevelopment #hiringtrends #india #techjobs
ReactJS and Angular are hot right now. Accenture and TCS are hiring, but watch out for their preference for experienced folks over freshers
Hey All, I am actively looking out for better offers at the moment. What are some companies hiring remotely in India, preferably frontend/fullstack roles?
My tech stack - React, Node, Express, Mongo, Postgres, AWS.
Hey, following a round of layoffs in my current org, I am actively looking out for better offers at the moment. What are some companies hiring remotely in India, preferably frontend/fullstack roles?
My tech stack - Next, React, Node, Ex...
I am a frontend engineer with 2+ yrs of experience and currently looking to switch and applying on various job portals. But rarely getting any response from recruiters (esp startups). Is the hiring scene really bad right now?
Hey All, I am actively looking out for better offers at the moment. What are some companies hiring in Gurgaon, preferably frontend/fullstack roles?
My tech stack - Javascript, React, Node, Express, Mongo YOE- 2.8