
How did you switch from fronted to a backend/full-stack role?

I'm a frontend dev, with close to 5 years of workex. I've been trying to switch to a full stack dev role for a couple of years now. Tried switching internally, but it didn't work because there were too many backend devs and too much dependency.

Stuck with an infinite leetcode loop, did online courses but couldn't put those skills to work in building projects.

I'm looking for some advice with a focus on cracking the interviews. The plan is to take up a Full stack dev role in the next 3 months.

Thanks in advance!

7mo ago
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I hardly have any experience so my advice might not be that good but here it is, when I was looking for a job last year, I saw many fullstack dev roles which were frontend heavy so maybe you can start with that.


That's the plan. I've failed in a couple of such interviews earlier. So, I want to know how the interview is generally structured for such roles.


I started my career with the frontend but soon got bored working with the frontend only and wanted to explore the backend.

It was my first company (a small scale startup), after only two months i started asking for some backend work. Initially he denied (not straight but with some excuse) but after six months of persistently nudging him he started giving me small tasks.

It also depends on the company culture and your tuning with your manager (i was lucky in both). But IMO getting some backend experience in your current company will make it easier for switching towards a full-time backend role.

All the best!


I did work on some backend tasks for a short time. But then they started laying off people. Eventually I am the only front-end developer in my team. Also, no hike/growth here, so I feel that's not option for me anymore.
Front-end focused full-stack role is what I'm targeting in my next gig.

Are you still in the same company? If not, how different was your interview as a full-stack dev.

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