How to learn Startup Finance?
I want to learn Startup Finance for my startup. Things like invoicing, GST, Claiming GST, TDS, TCS, Taxation, ITR, Fundraising, Schemes related to Startups, etc Any resources or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks 🙏
I'm a software engineer and want to learn finance to be more financially literate.
Looking for reviews for:
Syllabus includes: Income statement Analysis Forecasting Income Statements Financial Modeling Income Statement Cash flow Statement (CFS) Balance Sheet Pro Forma Financial Statements Develop a Du-Pont Model for the organization Compare inter and intra company performance
Financially literate can mean - personal finances or corporate finances. The above one seems decent from a corporate finance perspective. Lots of good stuff available on YouTube/coursera. If you are disciplined, no reason to spend on such courses.
For your own gyan, may be ok but no employer will take this seriously. I would just study a good old textbook instead.
Invact? Isn’t that the desi rami malek guy Stay away from it 😅
I want to learn Startup Finance for my startup. Things like invoicing, GST, Claiming GST, TDS, TCS, Taxation, ITR, Fundraising, Schemes related to Startups, etc Any resources or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks 🙏
Hey peeps 👋🏻
I'm a software engineer but I had a deep interest in finance. S how can I get into Finance roles like IB and analyst. So right now I have given NISM certification test but thinking about CFA but that is really one of its...