I was just reading this from a premium big investor he literally dose daily sip instead of monthly because price averaging has a different result than a monthly number. Apparently doing daily sip gives a difference of atleast 9 to 27% in the performance of ROI... I just asked to know if someone has already experienced it.
I don’t think so it will impact that much. Investing 6k ₹ per month vs 200 ₹ per day won’t have much impact as daily change in NAV will be negligent, overall the return will be same.
If amount is 1000-5000 ₹ per day then the ROI can be more.
But again not sure how it will impact considering the NAV difference won’t be too high/low.
Well what ever the amount small and mid caps sometimes move decent in a month or two so we might end up buying th stocks prices higher right? Weather a couple of hundreds or thousands it's still the same percentage maybe we might not see the value in money due to small numbers when it's in hundreds. I think in recent past this numbers changed earlier it would not have mattered but now stocks are moving faster.
Monthly Salary SIP 😉
Don’t complicate life for 0.01% gains. Make investing bit boring