Feeling low and stressed
Feeling very lonely and stressed after wife left and filed divorce. Not share how to cope up alone in Blr :(
I don’t know how to start this. Honestly, I never thought I’d be the guy writing a story about getting divorced. But here I am, sitting in my small apartment in Bangalore, staring at the walls, trying to make sense of how everything fell apart.
It wasn’t always like this. We were happy once. Or at least I thought we were. But I guess the cracks were always there, I just didn’t want to see them. I was too caught up with work, coding away for hours, trying to keep up with the deadlines my manager kept throwing at me. My life became a cycle of meetings, code reviews, sprints, and late nights.
My manager, let’s call him “R”, didn’t help. He was always there, hovering over my shoulder, sending pings at 11 PM asking for updates, expecting me to work on weekends because “the client deliverables are critical, and we’re short on time.” I kept pushing myself, thinking if I just put in a little more effort, things would get better. Spoiler: they didn’t.
I used to come home exhausted, mentally drained, and my wife... well, she got tired of waiting. She’d try to talk to me, and I’d say “later” or “just give me 10 minutes to finish this one thing,” but that one thing would turn into another hour, and then another, until she’d just go to bed. I thought she understood, that she knew I was doing all this for us. I thought I was being a good husband by working hard and securing our future. But in reality, I was just absent. Physically there, mentally checked out.
The fights started small. She’d complain about how we never spent time together, and I’d tell her “I’m doing this for us” and that “things will calm down after this release.” But there was always another release, always another deadline. Slowly, the gap between us grew. She stopped asking for my time, stopped expecting me to show up.
Then one day, I came home, and she wasn’t there. Just a note on the dining table saying she couldn’t do it anymore. That she felt alone even when I was there. That she needed more, and I wasn’t giving it to her. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t even surprised. Maybe I’d seen it coming but chose to ignore it, hoping things would magically fix themselves.
I blamed her at first. Told myself she didn’t understand how stressful my job was, how my manager was a slave driver who didn’t care about work-life balance. “R” always acted like he owned us. If you’re not working, you’re not productive. It was all about efficiency, outputs, and timelines. I couldn’t even tell him about what was happening at home because I knew he wouldn’t care. He once said, “personal problems should stay personal, we’ve got business to run.”
But maybe... maybe it’s my fault too. I let work consume me. I became a machine, doing what I was told, losing track of what was important. My wife, my marriage, everything took a backseat to my job.
Now it’s just me. No wife. No marriage. Just a pile of undone laundry, cold dinners, and an empty bed. Bangalore feels lonelier than ever. I go to work, I come back, I repeat the cycle. Sometimes I wonder if I should’ve fought harder, said no to “R” when he pushed me for those late nights. Maybe I should’ve drawn a line somewhere. But I didn’t, and now it’s too late.
So yeah, that’s it. I’m divorced. And I blame myself... but also my manager. If he’d just understood that we’re not robots. Or maybe if I’d understood that earlier myself.
I don’t know what to do next. Maybe I’ll just keep coding, keep working. It's all I know how to do.
picture: drinking gin with my btech friends after divorce. man i am depressed.
Feeling very lonely and stressed after wife left and filed divorce. Not share how to cope up alone in Blr :(
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So your work was more important than your relationship.. you made a choice.. guess you have to live with it. Nothing wrong in being divorced.. but just be more thoughtful when you bring someone else in your life.. gone are the days when women wanted men in life for financial reasons.. they just want a companion to grow old with.. so if you can't do it.. don't get into it
Why didn’t you quit in time
Because I am ambitious and I used to weigh my career a lot. To the point that I sacrificed everything for it.
It takes a lot of courage to publicly acknowledge a mistake like this. Falling into a manager’s trap isn’t wrong, but not recognizing it in time is something to reflect on. I genuinely feel for what happened, but we all learn lessons in our own ways. I hope you find someone with whom you can share the rest of your life. Remember, while career is important, having a partner to share your goals with is even more meaningful.
No matter how bad it sounds, your work stays with you. Yes you could have put some boundaries, but I went into a more relaxed role because of a person I wanted to marry and he chose a slutty friend over me. I’m glad I got a hustler job back - I’ve come to believe people will never stay. But work does. That’s our only legacy. I’m not sure if you will be able to kill the workaholic in you. You need someone who works as hard as you. You both can find time for each other. Take it as a wrong place, wrong time. And yes, do quit the company. Start fresh. I tried reconciling with my guy, ignoring all his flaws. But there was so much damage that I had to walk away for self respect. There’s so much I want him to know, but it doesn’t matter. I’m letting it go one day at a time.
I can understand your point. I was in similar boat with my then girlfriend. It was covid time, I was slogging 13hrs everyday on average. I just couldn't give enough time to her.
It was the starting of my career and I was just too invested in work.
Our relationship ended due to the same reasons your wife mentioned. I regret it so much that I didn't do anything to stop it. She really was an amazing girl, the kind I wanted to be my wife someday. We had our differences, but our core thinking was really similar.
After that breakup, I did end up in a better place, really high paying job, but I realised that I was truly happy when I was in a relationship and no amount of money or slogging off at work is providing me with the long term happiness that being with my loved ones did.
I am not sure how to console you, take this as a lesson and figure out whats important for you and try to cater your life such that what's important to you isn't compromised. In your case, learn to say no to your manager, let him understand your boundaries. If you are as good as you think you are, your manager should understand it, if not, find a job where you can function in sane hours and still have a vibrant personal life!
All the best! This too shall pass!
@jake_peralta_B99 Thank you for your words. They mean a lot.
Once a senior test engineer told me that never work more than 6 hr. After 6 hr, try to wrap up things for the day. Do the rest of work the next day. This is the best advice.
And do not reply to anyone after working hours. Small things you can reply but big no to calls at off hours.
@Natonatonatonato People get fired for such antics
No amount of personal or mental stress is worth for any manager, any ,1 cr job. The sooner you realise this the better. You can make a decent savings as long as you invest and you don't always need to be in the rat race.
@PerfectPower have you faced what i did? I am in too much pain and this is what you have to say?
It doesn't matter if I faced the same journey as you. I'm talking about you moving past this and then have a strategy or philosophy in life. And don't get overly flaked by the comments, if you do it better not be here.